What is Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT)
OMT is a type of hands-on manipulation focused on treating the person as a whole. This means that sometimes the treatments will be directed towards the area of concern and other times will be focused on areas that are not. The reason for this is, during appointments Dr. Andrews is looking for contributing factors to the symptoms and also for ways to help a patient overcome barriers that have stopped their healing in the past. The goal for treatment is not to simply “fix the problem”, but to treat someone so that they can fix and maintain a state of health more effectively.
There is no stepwise process to Osteopathic treatments. What this means is, even the same patient can have different treatments at each appointment. While Osteopathic treatment techniques vary widely, Dr. Andrews typically uses a gentle approach to treatments.
Dr. Andrews believes in the fundamental principle of Osteopathy: The body has the ability to heal itself. As such, he does not believe in giving a precise amount of treatments or time frame for the issue to be “cured”. The treatment course is based off of how a patient responds to the treatments and is different for every person. He does not believe in multiple treatments per week. It is his belief that treating a patient multiple times per week does not give a patient’s body adequate time to adjust and start healing after an OMT appointment.